Borders, Approximations and Geo-Hashes
In a previous post I presented the jts-discretizer, a small project able to approximate geometries with geo-hashes. Now it’s the time to see it in action: we will work in Scala on a dataset of country borders(multi-polygons) and see how to approximate country surfaces with geo-hashes.
The original dataset
We will use borders provided by Natural Earth. A simplified version of this dataset can be found at borders_wkt.csv, having the following columns:
- continent
- country name
- fips country code (-99 if not present in the Natural Earth dataset)
- iso country code (-99 if not present in the Natural Earth dataset)
- border multi-polygon as WKT
"io.github.adrianulbona" % "jts-discretizer" % "0.1.0"
"com.github.tototoshi" %% "scala-csv" % "1.3.4"
Load the dataset
case class Id(continent: String, name: String, fips: String, iso: String) {
def toList: List[String] = List(continent, name, fipsCode, isoCode)
case class Border(id: Id, wkt: String)
def read(): List[Border] = {
val reader = File("data/borders_wkt.csv"))
try {
case List(continent, name, fips, iso, wkt)
=> Border(Id(continent, name, fips, iso), wkt)
finally reader.close()
Discretize multi-polygons
case class Surface(country: Id, geoHashes: Set[GeoHash]) {
def toList: List[String] =
country.toList :+",")
def discretize(precision: Int)(border: Border): Surface = {
val geometry = new WKTReader().read(border.wkt)
val refTime = currentTimeMillis()
val geoHashes = new DiscretizerFactoryImpl()
.apply(geometry, precision).asScala.toSet
val duration = currentTimeMillis() - refTime
println(s"Discretized ${} in $duration ms.")
Surface(, geoHashes)
Write surface approximations
def write(discretizations: List[Surface]): Unit = {
val writer = open(new File(s"data/countries_discretized.csv"))
try {
finally writer.close()
Putting all together
val precision = 5
val surfaces read()